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Know About IrieCBD?
IrieCBD offers you world's finest full-spectrum CBD (cannabis oil) hemp extract oil. The Cannabis CBD oil (Cannabidol) produced by IrieCBD is from a NON-GMO hemp plant is significantly different from your regular hempseed oil you may find in your health food store. Marijuana has been cultivated for many years to have high THC levels. THC is the chemical that gets you "high" or has the psychoactive effect. Our products contain high CBD cannabis oil content and low THC content. It is our goal to provide the purest form of hemp plant extract at an affordable price. IrieCBD is a socially conscious company because it make sure 100% money back guarantee. IrieCBD provides you organically grown full spectrum hemp with naturally occurring terpenes, essential fatty acids, and phytochemicals for pure consumption. Every batch is made with the care of the Irie CBD team. For every two products sold we give one to someone in need. IrieCBD ships across all 50 states. IrieCBD offers free domestic sipping for orders over $100. IrieCBD also offers exclusive promocodes and coupon codes for its customers. You may sign up for special rewards at